Professional Training in Bayreuth

Deciding on the right professional training or university course is one of the most important decisions in the life of a young person. With its numerous companies offering training contracts in the trades, industry and commerce, the University of Bayreuth and the nearby colleges in Hof and Coburg, the Region of Bayreuth offers the best possible opportunities for starting a career.

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Stay in Bayreuth - Your career starts here

Are you in school and thinking about what kind of work or training would suit you? Or are you looking for a job in the region after your studies? Then we have the right offers for you.
Start your career in Bayreuth and find all the information and offers on training, studies and jobs in the region here.

Professional training in Germany

Most professions in Germany are learned through school-based training. Work experience is gained through internships in companies.

The duration of training is not uniform and varies between two and three and a half years, depending on the occupation and previous knowledge. Before the training begins, a contract is concluded between the trainee and the company providing the training, which regulates the duration of the training, the content and objectives of the training and the salary.

Many occupations are now also learned within the framework of dual training. The dual training system, with its mix of practical work experience in companies and the teaching of specialist theoretical knowledge at vocational school, enjoys very high recognition among companies.

In the case of dual vocational training, training places are allocated directly by the companies, so that interested persons must apply directly to the company. Apprenticeships usually start in August or September, but companies usually start looking for suitable applicants a year in advance. You can find vacancies in daily newspapers, on the companies’ homepages or on Training and apprenticeship databases.

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Training Course Exchange Bayreuth „It´s your future “

Every year at the end of September, over 200 training companies in the region presented their companies and current training positions. A must for all those who want to start their career in the region.
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Training in Germany for citizens of non-EU states

If you wish to take up training in Germany, good German skills are essential. Citizens of non-EU states also require a visa. Further information on prerequisites can be found at the internet portal „Make it in Germany“.

Training and apprenticeship databases